My Shake Fu is strong. I have done tests keying green screens. I have done tests with blue screens. Like the karate kid waxing Miyagi’s car, I have done mask premultiplication on – mask premultiplication off. I have prepared node graphs for color correcting. I have tracked and I have corner pinned and I have rotoscoped. I have done all that I can do, really. And, it may all be for naught.
The 48 hour film project starts tonight. We will draw our genre and elements at 7:00 pm. Until then, I have no idea what kind of movie I’m working on, or what kind of character I’ll be playing, or if we’ll have any effects work, or what sort of effects I’ll need to do. So, I’m idle. It’s annoying. We are going to meet tonight by teleconference rather than in person to discuss, which means we won’t have any chance to shoot anything tonight.
The guys came today to take away the extra furniture in my apartment today. I can finish moving in next week. I need to do laundry.
Speaking of moving, we will also have the fun of moving again. Not too much further, but there is supposedly more room in the new place, about 100 more square feet, for a bit less than what we were paying at our current place. It will be interesting.
Best advice I can give about the idleness … have a bit of fun, get in a good mindset, and not to worry. I know easier said than done, but it still doesn’t invalidate it.