It’s Tuesday afternoon, I just got home, and I left Sunday. Things have been busy.
NDA project – shooting has wrapped. I’m horribly sunburned. (When you start shooting at 3:00 am, sunblock may not occur to you as your very first concern…) We are all planning a TV watching party at some point when it is appropriate to do so.
Leaving town – 6:00 am flight tomorrow morning, I’ll be back July 9th. Don’t expect tons and tons from me until then.
48 Hour Film Festival – Starting to assemble a group. May be able to have everything in place by August to make a good project.
House was sold – The one I live in. Don’t know more yet. Have no idea what all this will wind up meaning. Lease expires July 31.
Standup – I am doing the “Comedy Works 2007 New Faces Contest” July 9th. Yes, the same day I return to the state. Yes, this is probably ill-advised. Aparently, I am allowed a guest list of 20, but nobody has actually mentioned comp tickets or discounts or anything. But, if you are one of the first 20 people to call Comedy Works and tell them you want to be on my guest list, you will be put onto it. Hopefully, you will feel forever proud of this accomplishment of having your name written down thereapon. It may serve no other purpose. It may also be that they are concerned about selling out, and my guest list is a block of 20 reserved tickets so that my friends are guaranteed to be able to reserve seats. Here is the information I have on it:
Please remember that you will receive a 20-person guest list that will be activated
TWO WEEKS prior to your appearance. Your guests must call the club during this
two-week period to make reservations. We will not take reservations prior to this
period. You may not make reservations for them; your guests must call the club.
Anyhow, it should be a fun night of standup, I’ll be competing against a bunch of other new guys, so at least one or two of us should fit your tastes in comedy. Here is the list of folks for the July 9th show:
July 9
Brady Quarterman
Curt Fletcher
Dave Westahl
Jim Hickox
Peter Cohen
Tim Aye
Vicki Edgar
Will Purdy
Will Rosecrans
Now, I just need to decide what the heck I am going to do for my slot… Oh, and if I am one of the top 3, I’ll get a spot in round two. I also have another gig scheduled for July as part of a Clean Comedy Competition. Check my Calendar’s performance schedule to know when all upcoming engagements will be taking place!