So, today, it has again become my the birthday.
The Dilbert cartoon in the paper today was about a birthday.
The Onion “Your birthday today” horoscope, which they seem to leave up all week, is “This is an important week for you, as you’ll learn the valuable lesson that people will forgive the well-dressed man almost anything.”
NASA is supposed to launch the god dammed Space Shuttle tonight. (I assume this is in celebration of my the birthday.) So, I get a bigger candle than anybody.
I had a potentially important audition two days ago, and I should be hearing back today. I happened to be fairly well dressed at the audition, which may suggest that the Onion knew about it.
I won free tickets to Mall Mart the Musical, which I need to use by tomorrow.
Everything seems to be all lined up for my the birthday. This is my day, bitches. Be warned.