I have added some pictures of the Boulder area to my gallery at http://forkforge.org/forkgallery — I think they were all in my facebook gallery by the same name, so probably not too much new if you have seen those. If you haven’t seen them, some are rather fun, if you are into that sort of thing.
My birthday is coming up. I know this because several people have asked me what I plan to do for it in the past week. If nobody had pointed it out, I may well have made it to within 24 hours of being 24 years without noticing. I managed that last year. It was June 7th when Molly, a coworker, asked me, “So, what have you got planned for the big day?” Slightly confused, I tried to remember any major events that I had heard about on the radio on the drive to work, and responded, “I don’t really follow soccer, so I wasn’t planning anything.” She just sort of blinked at me as loudly as one can just blink, then gently explained that the next day was going to be my birthday.
The previous year, I visited Ashley in Fort Collins. It just didn’t occur to me to mention to her that I was visiting her as my birthday celebration until after I got up there. Another year, I celbrated my birthday by having dinner with Ashley at the Gunther Toodies near where I was working. Unfortunately, Ashley decided to tell them that it was my Birthday, so they felt obliged to sing at me and try to get me to perform The Twist in front of the several other patrons who had assembled for dinner.
This year, however, is apparently different. It seems I’m obliged to do something special. I won free tickets to “Mall Mart, the Musical,” which only runs until the 9th. So, I am probably going to see a show within a day or so of my birthday. Need to sort out who gets the second ticket. The usual suspects are apparently constantly busy nowadays, or not interested. I’ll have to double check if Always-Busy is actually going to be busy, and then I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll just start blanketing Craigslist with invitations or something equally daft. Just seems so silly to show up alone on or about my birthday after winning two free tickets. I did that the last time I won free tickets to something. You know, as much as I enjoy my current period of living as an unsociable recluse who spends for too much time alone, being an unsocial recluse sure does cut down on one’s active social circle…
I haven’t yet gotten any of the emails I was hoping to get today about auditions and such and so forth. Still only halfway through the day, but still annoying.